Open source.

E tū is building a community of growth-mindset change-makers by creating free tools and  open-source resources for others to use, modify and share. Our aim is to inspire others to be a part of the solution by repurposing textile waste and keeping materials in circulation for longer.


Join the circular design movement.

Circular design is a process that keeps resources in circulation for as long as possible. It is a new system where products are designed to be re-designed, repurposed and reused  over and again. 


Start asking questions.

We’ve created a series of email templates to help you ask the brands you love what actions they are taking to move towards a circular economy and more sustainable future. Use our templates to advocate for meaningful change.


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Attend a virtual talk or workshop.

We’re hosting events as part of Melbourne Fashion Weeks 2021 program the best part is that they’re free and virtual so you can tune in from anywhere in the world.


Donate your time, help us collect, clean and sort textile waste.

Time is one of the most valuable items you can donate. Every year we see so much waste and can only ever collect a fraction of it, we’d love to grow the Etu whanau (family). If you’re interested or know someone who is, reach out below…